
The program will be available in early June.

The international conference Safetronic holistically addresses the safety of road vehicles and all related aspects, including but not limited to functional safety, SOTIF, cybersecurity, safety-in-use and others.

The conference offers a rewarding exchange with experts of renowned companies and the excellent opportunity to connect with partners next to best practice reports and innovative approaches of leading OEMs and the supply industry.

Conference date: 12-13 November 2025 | in Stuttgart | Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany

Call for Papers 2025

The call for papers is open until May 9.

If you don’t want to miss any information, please register for the Safetronic newsletter.

Chair and Program Committee

Name Company
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Mario Trapp / Fraunhofer IKS Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Mario Trapp Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS
221108 safetronic 18 Nicolas Becker Stellantis N.V.
Thomas Frese / FORD Werke GmbH Thomas Frese FORD Werke GmbH
Simon Fürst / BMW Group Simon Fürst BMW Group
Edith Holland 3 Edith Holland HORIBA MIRA
Photo Delphine Kervarec Vicq quadratisch Delphine Kervarec-Vicq Valeo
Frank Kirschke-Biller / Volkswagen AG Frank Kirschke-Biller Volkswagen AG
Andreas Knapp / Mercedes-Benz AG Andreas Knapp Mercedes-Benz AG
Stefan Kriso / Robert Bosch GmbH Stefan Kriso Robert Bosch GmbH
Peter Lascych / Vitesco Technologies Germany GmbH Peter Lascych Schaeffler AG
Hans-Leo Ross / Vay Technology GmbH Hans-Leo Ross CARIAD SE
Dr. Håkan Sivencrona / Zenseact AB Dr. Håkan Sivencrona VOLVO CAR GROUP